Gateway Energy Services

Customer Testimonials

"The first time I called to get quote information the person helping me was extremly kind and helpful. I have had nothing but pleasant experiences with your company and staff. Keep up the good work!!"
Martina B.

"The most valued thing about the Web site is the fact that I can view my billing info & the amount of my monthly bill each month before I receive my actual bill in the mail."

"Being able to access my account information quickly and electronically. I do not like dealing with phones or the mail. Thank you!"

"I was able to locate the information I wanted,and then sign up for the program with the information I wanted without any hassle."

"The phone number information that helps you talk to a LIVE person. In my case it was Ann in New York - she was very pleasant, informative, and helpful. If I choose to become a Gateway customer she will be the primary reason for my doing it."

"The Web site is great, but I needed to know the current price. I called your 800 number and talked with a representative that answered all my questions and was very informative. I still like the human connection!"

"The person I spoke with was very helpful and extremely polite and well spoken (in English!!)"

"You guys are rated the cheapest electrical service in Texas. Yet, I had never heard of you guys until I searched the Texas Electric Choice website. How can the best valued provider be so hidden? Maybe your advertising budget is limited and that is how you provide the best valued service? So I immediately realized that maybe the word needs to get out here in Texas."

"I found the information I was looking for in 3-4 clicks."

"Ability to quickly & easily get the quote I was looking for without having to give a lot of information."

"Easy to check prices.....would make me consider signing up based on the ease of use."